First, I added some sculpted prim assistants to make the place more welcoming. OK it is not as if a regular avatar was there but it creates something different. The assistant is able to greet every customer with a personalized customizable message. She can also delivers gifts, notecards, or anything along with the greetings. They also keeps track of visitors and reports per email. The thing I like is that they have the ability to collect feedback, like how the visitor got to the booth, if they have a question or if they need a contact in real life.
I met ab Vanmoer on my first days in Second Life, and he has been a great friend since then. ab Vanmoer is a programmer in real life and it is not incidental if he became a talented scripter in SL. I always feel I am asking him crazy things like "ab, would it be possible to make shadows that follow the sun in SL" or like in the case of FrontRange " would that be possible to make a script to download a virtual good from a server after a purchase was made on SL". So ab proposed me much better, and that was the File Courier which he created and that gives you the possibility to really bridge with RL. If the second life visitor wants to receive a documentation per email directly, he just have to touch an object and enter his email, then he receives the files per mail, and we can keep a track of this request. The File courier is one of the greatest product I have seen for this "comes and goes" between second life and real life. This was just a fantastic tool.

All small stahls on the booth were scripted to lead to landing pages on the company's and partners url on the web. Plus I created some small stands that were leading to PDF download links.
Last steps were to stream videos and flash movies into the screens to deliver dynamic content. This is easy to do in Second Life and it brought a lot of realism to the booth content itself.
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